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Parbold Douglas Church of England Academy

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium funding is additional funding given to schools to support pupils who are eligible. There are a variety of reasons why your child may be entitled to this funding:


  • If they are on Free School Meals or have been at any point in the last 6 years.
  • If they are a Looked After Child (in the care of the Local Authority).
  • If they have previously been a Looked After Child and are now adopted from care or are under a Special Guardianship Order or a Child Arrangements Order or a Residence Order.
  • If they have a parent in the military or has been in the military over the past 5 years or are in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence.


We use evidence-based approaches (including recommendations for the Education Endowment Foundation) to support children entitled to this funding as well as strategies and resources we have reviewed and evaluated within school as being effective for our children. Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium fund and how we allocate this.


At Parbold Douglas, the Pupil Premium Lead is Mr Coxhead. The Designated Teacher for looked after children (and previously looked after children) is Mr Lawson.

Pupil Premium Strategy: Statement of Intent


Parbold Douglas CE Academy seeks to equip children with the vision, passion and skills needed to transform society. The pursuit of this vision underpins every aspect of our work.


Our ambition is that all of our pupils, including those eligible for the pupil premium, become passionate about building God’s Kingdom here on Earth and develop the knowledge and skills that they need to enact positive change across all spheres of society.


Our motto – let your light shine (Matthew 5:16) – is all about transforming society. When we let our light shine, we let the light of Jesus radiate from within us to transform lives and communities around us. When we let our light shine, we shape society with the peace, joy and compassion of Jesus. When we let our light shine, we pursue love and unity. Our vision of a world transformed by a generation of ‘Kingdom builders’ fuels our passion for primary education.


If we are to succeed in realising our ambitious Christian vision, our children need a world-class academic education that enables them to grow in wisdom, knowledge and skills so that they may have a transformational impact upon society. As such, we seek to use our resources as effectively as possible to provide this.  


Our pupil premium strategy sets out how we intend to use our pupil premium funding to secure this academic excellence for our most disadvantaged pupils. Many of the actions we take will benefit and enhance the education of every other child in school too. Our evidence-informed approach prioritises improving classroom teaching and providing specific targeted academic support to meet identified needs. This proactive approach seeks to intervene early, preventing gaps from growing between the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils and that of others.


We also seek to use a range of wider strategies to enhance the social, emotional and spiritual development of our most disadvantaged pupils, providing tailored support as appropriate to meet specific needs.


All of this helps us to provide an exceptional curriculum and inspirational, knowledgeable teachers who deliver academic excellence for all.

Please note:


Our three-year pupil premium strategy is reviewed and updated annually. The 'November 2024' document is the most recent pupil premium strategy statement - this includes a review of the impact of the strategy during the 2023/24 academic year.
