Young Leaders
Our Young Leaders spearhead our Pupil Teams. Each team seeks to enact positive change, within the school community and beyond, as we pursue our Christian vision. They lead campaigns, organise events, and play a significant role in the life of the school.
We support our young leaders to flourish in their roles, empowering them to make decisions and providing them with the opportunity to complete the Archbishop of York Youth Trust's Young Leaders Award.
Our Teams
Heads Team
- Lead the school in collective worship.
- Welcome guests to school.
- Speak at information evenings and open days.
- Write a short 'column' in the school newsletter.
- Support all other Year 6 teams in their work.
Climate Emergency Team
- Lead regular campaigns in school / raise awareness across the community about the urgency of the climate emergency.
- Challenge school leaders and governors to change the way the school operates.
- Network with groups at other schools and join national campaigns / movements.
- Organise the Fairtrade Raffle for Friday worship.
Community Team
- Help make our local area a nicer place to be – regular litter picks, etc.
- Organise events with others in our local community.
- Lead campaigns, encouraging people to support our local businesses.
- Help update the ‘Opportunities in our Area’ part of the website.
- Promote careful parking at drop-off and collection times.
Creative Team
- Manage the sound, lighting and visuals during collective worship in the school hall.
- Design posters for events and campaigns.
- Take photographs of school activities.
- Organise relevant competitions for pupils in school (e.g. Photography contest / Art & Design competitions).
Curriculum Review Team
- Work alongside the Curriculum Lead (Miss Bixter) and school Subject Leaders to develop and improve the school curriculum in all subject areas.
- Interview pupils across school about the curriculum. Collate findings and feed back to the staff.
- Check work in books and the school Twitter timelines to review the school curriculum in different subject areas.
- Celebrate excellent work from across the curriculum.
Kingdom Builders Leaders
- Lead the school in the Lord’s Prayer (during collective worship).
- Lead whole-school activities, events and campaigns. Every member of the school is part of the Kingdom Builders group.
- Liaise with leaders of Christ Church Parbold about church-school links.
Sports & Fitness Champions
- Monitor and encourage participation in extra-curricular sport and physical activity.
- Organise activities at some breaks and lunchtimes
- Help look after playground equipment
- Assist in organisation of sports day and school sporting events
Digital Ambassadors
- Evaluate the school’s Digital Strategy.
- Support the Technology and Innovation Lead (Mr Lawson) – e.g. managing and setting up school devices, etc.
- Supporting teachers and pupils across school with key skills that support the fulfilment of the school’s Digital Strategy.
- Arrange Zoom meetings with other schools – find out how they are using technology.
- Offer support to local schools.
Reading Champions
- Regularly organise and tidy school libraries.
- Order new library books on a termly basis – interview children to find out what they want.
- Organise reading competitions and challenges for pupils across school.
- Request donations of pre-loved books from families and members of the community.
- Strengthen our existing links with Parbold Library.
School Council (Committee of pupils from across school)
- Prepare for and host meetings of the School Council on a regular basis.
- Report back to school staff on ideas from the School Council.
- Organise and lead fundraising events.
Meet Our Young Leaders (2023/24)