Design & Technology
The aim of D&T at Parbold Douglas is to enable pupils to design, make and evaluate innovative products that meet human needs.
Our school values in D&T
Through D&T, our pupils are equipped to live out our shared Christian values and let their light shine by developing innovative practical solutions and products to help meet complex human needs. Through our teaching, we demonstrate how practical innovation builds hope and community. By evaluating existing products, we promote a sense of thankfulness for the practical resources we enjoy today. Pupils show love and compassion for others by designing and making products that meet their needs.
Meeting the needs of our pupils in D&T
Across all year groups, there is a focus within D&T upon building resilience. It is important that pupils learn to recognise failure as an essential part of the designing and making process. Through careful evaluation, pupils learn to recognise the important of improving and altering designs. Through Focused Tasks (FTs), they learn that practical making techniques (such as joining and strengthening materials) require practise and that success will not come instantly.
Our D&T curriculum covers all aspects of the National Curriculum and areas of focus include:
- Cooking and nutrition
- Mechanisms
- Structures
- Textiles
- Mechanical systems
- Electrical systems
Drawing on resources and expertise from the Design and Technology Association, our units of work are carefully mapped to ensure children build knowledge and skills cumulatively over time. We regularly invest in materials and equipment so that all of our pupils can enjoy a safe and challenging D&T education. The curriculum map (see PDF download above) sets out the 3 units of work pupils will complete each year.
How are units structured?
Units of work comprise of three types of activity:
- Investigative and Evaluative Activities (IEAs) where children learn from a range of existing products or find out about this aspect of D&T in the wider world;
- Focussed Tasks (FTs) where they are taught the specific technical knowledge, designing skills and making skills;
- Design, Make and Evaluate Assignment (DMEA) where they design, create and evaluate a functional product with a specific user and purpose in mind.
So that children understand the context for their learning, we give them an overview of what they will be designing, making and evaluating for the DMEA before they undertake any activities. This ensures they have a clear goal and know where their learning is taking them throughout the unit.
Through IEAs and FTs, children are equipped with the knowledge, understanding and skills to engage successfully and with increasing independence in the DMEA.
Managing risk and ensuring safety
Before delivering each unit of work, class teachers complete a comprehensive risk assessment alongside the D&T subject leader to minimise any risks associated with the teaching and learning activities that have been planned. Copies of these risk assessments can be made available to parents on request.
To find out more about D&T, please contact the Curriculum Lead (Miss Bixter) or our D&T Lead (Mr Coxhead).
Our Curriculum Policy can be found on the Policies page (link below).
Our curriculum
The unit 'cover sheets' below provide a little more information about each of our D&T units.
Teachers also have access to 'unit overview' documents. These set out a summary of the key learning for each unit taught through our Design and Technology curriculum. These were created specifically for Parbold Douglas, using the D&T Association's scheme of work as a starting point.
Year 1 Cover Sheets
Year 2 Cover Sheets
Year 3 Cover Sheets
Year 4 Cover Sheets
Year 5 Cover Sheets
Year 6 Cover Sheets