Welcome to FoPD
Friends of Parbold Douglas (FoPD)
We are a group of parents who work to run fun events for the children at school and raise money for extra curricular children centred projects. In other schools we would be called the PTFA, Parents, Teachers, Friends Association.
Over the last few years, the Friends of Parbold Douglas has invested many thousands of pounds back into projects for the children to enrich their lives at school. Our fundraising contributions have enabled us to buy books to support reading in school, instruments to support children's access to music teaching, sports kits for sports teams in school, and we have contributed to the school's new computing suite too.
For the children we run a range of fun activities throughout the year for example: discos, Santa’s Grotto, Toy Fairs, Movie Nights, Christmas Raffles and also, evening events for parents such as the May Ball and Summer BBQ/Disco nights.
We rely on our large group of volunteer parents who make our events possible and are regularly updated via email. Volunteers help in a variety of ways including by baking cakes, preparing events, running stalls at events, tidying away tables, sweeping the floor, packing presents, writing letters, doing risk assessments etc. Some parents might be able to help at every event or just bake cakes once a year. Whatever help is offered, all is very much appreciated and everyone doing a small amount enables great events to be run successfully for the children of our school.
Friends of Parbold Douglas is a registered charity and as such we have a formal side as well with a Committee including a Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. We have a constitution, issue yearly accounts, hold an Annual General Meeting, formal termly meetings, complete risk assessments and have a bank account in the black!
Why not come along to one of the regular meetings to say “Hi” and see what we do? We are a friendly bunch and always welcome help and fresh ideas.
If you would like to find out more, come along to one of our meetings, volunteer to be a parent helper at an event, to be on our email list, please ask Miss Arnold in the school office.
If you would like to be on our email list please email admin@fopd.co.uk