Road Safety Agreement
We want to ensure that we have taken every possible step to create a culture of safe and legal road use amongst our parent community. As such, we launched a new 'Home-School Agreement' relating specifically to road safety in September 2023. This document is an important agreement, underlining our commitment to taking all possible steps to secure the safety of all children travelling to and from our school.
When families have chosen to drop their children off at school by car, it is essential that all adults park safely and legally. This expectation applies at all times, irrespective of the circumstances. Poor weather conditions or late arrival at school do not justify parking unsafely or illegally.
We strongly encourage parents to walk their children to school (or to travel by bicycle) wherever this possible. Reducing the volume of car traffic at collection/drop-off times is essential to creating safer roads around our school. Active travel (walking, wheeling or cycling) to school is also better for physical/mental health, and for the environment. Find out more about the government's commitment to this by visiting the Active Travel England website.
We would like to acknowledge the vast majority of parents (and grandparents or other responsible adults) who always take care to ensure that their actions are safe and legal when dropping off and collecting from school. Thank you for your continued care and vigilance.
A full copy of the road safety home-school agreement can be downloaded below.
Walking to school / crossing Lancaster Lane
We strongly encourage walking, wheeling or cycling to school wherever this is possible.
The school strongly encourages all families to cross Lancaster Lane with the assistance of the Crossing Patrol (lollipop man/woman), positioned outside the main school entrance. The school discourages families from crossing Lancaster Lane at other points along the road. We appreciate that, for parents dropping off or collecting from Duggies, this provision is not always available.
Where families are able to walk, wheel or cycle to school, we ask all parents to agree to:
- Help my child understand road safety (and the Highway Code) by teaching them how to walk to school safely, using pavements and designated paths, and to ‘stop, look, listen’ when crossing roads.
- Supervise my child if they are riding to school on a scooter or bicycle.
- Direct my child to cross Lancaster Lane with the Crossing Patrol if they are in Year 6 and have permissions to walk home from school unaccompanied (note: a separate policy and permission form is in place for parents who give Year 6 pupils permission to walk home after school without an adult).
Tan House Lane
Should families choose to travel to school by car (and park on Tan House Lane), we ask that all:
- Park legally, avoiding the double yellow lines.^
- Avoid blocking (or partially blocking) the driveways of residents.
- Avoid parking on the roadside where there is already a parked vehicle opposite.
^Parents must not park (or drop off) on the double yellow lines shown below.
Lancaster Lane
Should families choose to drive to school (and park on Lancaster Lane), we ask that all:
- Park legally, avoiding any double yellow lines AND avoiding areas where there is a single or double solid white line in the centre of the road.*^
- Avoid blocking (or partially blocking) the driveways of residents.
- Avoid the area directly in front of the school.
* In places, there are solid white lines in the centre of the road on Lancaster Lane – these lines cannot be crossed by passing traffic and, as such, vehicles cannot be parked at the roadside at these points (as this would force passing traffic to cross solid white lines when passing the parked vehicles). Please see sections 128 and 129 of the Highway Code for further clarification.
^ The photos below show the solid white lines. There must be no parking or dropping off along these stretches of road.