Physical Education
The aim of PE at Parbold Douglas is to enable children to experience the variety of exciting ways we can keep the body we were blessed with fit and healthy, both individually and as part of a team. The children will enjoy a range of different sports, learning the value of physical activity and also developing a love for being active. We want children to be able to identify feelings and acknowledge any feelings they may have when involved in competitive sporting scenarios and not to be afraid of defeat.
Our school values in PE
Through PE children will understand the values of love and friendship. They will be loving in their interactions and offer friendship to all they are working cooperatively with, be that children on their team or an opposing team. Children will be thankful for the opportunities they have to use their body and keep it fit and healthy. Children will experience the value of hope in their perseverance to achieve specific goals and help encourage this in team mates. They will foster a sense of community working as a team and encouraging one another and building each other up. They will learn to be loving, compassionate and respectful in victory and in defeat.
Meeting the needs of our pupils in PE
Physical Education at Parbold Douglas helps to build resilience. It is important that pupils learn to recognise failure or defeat as an essential and inevitable part of a sporting process. Pupils are encouraged to learn to use defeat as an opportunity for reflection and also an opportunity to celebrate the success of others. Physical Education and the accompanying attendance at sports events with other schools encourages diversity as we work cooperatively with a variety of other children. It also encourages confidence in communication as children learn to greet and communicate with others they do not know well.
Our PE curriculum supports the cumulative development of knowledge and skills throughout the Early Years and Key Stages 1 and 2. Children take part in two hours of physical education each week.
Some units of learning are led by specialist sports coaches from West Lancashire Sports Partnership and others by our teachers. We use the West Lancashire Sports Partnership curriculum materials as the starting point for all PE teaching. This allows us to deliver high quality lessons to all pupils. The sequencing of the curriculum has been carefully mapped so that pupils build upon prior learning, make connections, and confidently develop their knowledge, skills, and techniques for a range of different physical activities and sports. The curriculum is a progressive model so that by learning and practising the content, pupils will make good progress as they move through the school.
Areas of learning include:
- Fundamental movement skills
- Gymnastics
- Dance
- Net and wall games
- Invasion games
- Target games
- Striking and fielding
- Athletics
- Health-related fitness
- Outdoor adventure activities
During their time in school, the children will take part in a wide range of further physical activity, including Forest School, the Bikeability programme, and swimming.
Swimming and water safety (Year 4)
All schools must provide swimming instruction either in key stage 1 or key stage 2. At Parbold Douglas, pupils in Year 4 receive swimming lessons once per week (at Park Pool in Ormskirk).
Pupils are taught to:
- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
To find out more about PE, please contact the Curriculum Lead (Miss Bixter) or our PE Lead (Miss Cooney).
Our Curriculum Policy can be found on the Policies page (link below).