Early Career Framework
We are delighted to be working alongside Embrace Teaching School Hub, Ormskirk School and Teach First to deliver the Early Career Framework to new teachers (and their mentors) across West Lancashire through the provision of a package of training and development.
The lead facilitators for West Lancashire are:
Primary - John Coxhead (Headteacher, Parbold Douglas CE Academy)
Secondary - Chris Rimmer (Assistant Headteacher, Ormskirk School)
The Early Career Framework provides a two-year package for Early Career Teachers and their mentors. It is supported and fully funded by the Department for Education, and forms part of the statutory induction for new teachers (see below).
Early career teachers benefit from:
a structured two-year package of support, training and resources
flexible online and face to face training modules
access to expert resources
a mentor, identified by the school, and trained by us
free membership to the Chartered College of Teaching
Schools benefit from:
- face-to-face and online training for a middle leader to become a great mentor, designed in partnership with Deans for Impact
- a network of mentors to share best practice
- free membership and resources from the Chartered College of Teaching for your early career teacher and mentor
Induction of new teachers
Access to this training is a core part of the statutory induction of new teachers to the teaching profession.
'Statutory induction is the bridge between initial teacher training and a career in teaching. It combines a structured programme of development, support and professional dialogue, underpinned by the Early Career Framework, with monitoring and an assessment of performance against the Teachers’ Standards. This programme supports the early career teacher and provides them with the necessary training to ensure that they can demonstrate that their performance against the Teachers’ Standards is satisfactory by the end of the period. Induction should provide a foundation for ECTs and equip them with the tools to be an effective and successful teacher.'
[Induction for Early Career Teachers, England]
Further information / Registration of ECTs
To register an Early Career Teacher from your school, please visit the Embrace Teaching School Hub website: https://embracetsh.co.uk/appropriate-body/register-your-ect
For further information, please contact John Coxhead (Headteacher) via the school office.