Isolation of individual pupil
If a child has symptoms of coronavirus or has a positive test, they should isolate (in line with NHS Test and Trace advice).
Please note: Where another member of the household has a positive test, children are no longer required to self-isolate and are still able to attend school on-site (unless directed otherwise by NHS Test and Trace).
A child can attend school whilst awaiting the results of a test, unless they have symptoms of COVID-19. If they have symptoms, they cannot attend school.
In this scenario, access to remote learning will be provided for the child, as set out in the overview below.
Our offer [Isolation of individual pupil]
[Please note (Day 1 of isolation): As individual pupils may be required to isolate without warning, we may be unable to provide access to our full remote learning provision until the second day of isolation. On the first day of a child's isolation, they will access external online learning resources appropriate to their phase. These resources include Spelling Shed, Times Tables Rockstars, Numbots, Accelerated Reader, Oxford Owl, etc. Links to relevant resources can be accessed by logging into Showbie or visiting the school website's Learning Zone. From the second day of isolation, children will access the school's remote learning provision, as outlined below.]
- Daily welcome message from a teacher (in the form of a voice note on Showbie)
- Three or four lessons per day
- Daily worship opportunity or activity
Your child will be set remote learning to access daily (from the second day of isolation). Where possible, this will reflect the teaching and learning they would have access to in school. To provide families with as much flexibility as possible, activities can be completed at any time during the day.
Each morning, your child will receive a welcome message from their class teacher, setting out the learning for the day. Teachers may give some feedback on the previous day’s learning. This welcome message will take the form of a voice note on Showbie.
Each day, your child will be set three or four lessons with the quantity and length reflecting their curriculum phase in school. Provision will include a combination of content created / prepared by our teachers and carefully-selected content from external providers (such as Oak National Academy).
Typically, daily lessons will include: maths; English; phonics (Early Years / KS1 ) and one or two wider curriculum sessions. It is our ambition that all children will be provided with accessible but challenging content that is appropriate to their current attainment level.
Access to worship materials will be provided so that pupils may participate in our daily act of worship from home.
Pupils will receive feedback on work submitted within Showbie. This will usually be provided at the end of the school day (or at the start of the next day).