Our curriculum is integral to the fulfilment of our school vision: to nurture children, equipping them with the vision, passion and skills needed to transform society.
Vision: Purpose in life is far more powerful than property or possessions. Having more to live with is no substitute for having more to live for. We want all children to grow up to live purpose-rich, fulfilled lives. We want them to develop a clear vision that energises and drives them – a vision of a society transformed by love. Through all parts of our curriculum and through daily collective worship, we seek to support children to discover a vision that inspires them.
Passion: We want all children to experience a deep sense of joy in everyday life. Our school is an exceptionally happy place to be and we are passionate about all that we do and pursue. We approach our curriculum with enthusiasm and a thirst for knowledge. Through our broad, diverse curriculum and our unique extra-curricular offer, we want children to develop new interests and passions. Ultimately, we want every child to feel energised about the impact they can have upon society.
Skills: Children need a world-class academic education that enables them to grow in wisdom, knowledge and skills so that they may have a transformational impact upon society. We provide an exceptional curriculum and inspirational, knowledgeable teachers who deliver academic excellence for all. Our curriculum enables long-term learning: we learn new content and, importantly, we revisit and embed previous content.
This section of our website provides information about our curriculum, organised by both subject and year group.
To find out more about our curriculum, please contact the Headteacher (Mr Lawson), the Curriculum Lead (Mrs Jonker) or your child's class teacher.
Our Curriculum Policy can be found below.
Our curriculum is fully inclusive, as detailed in our Accessibility Policy. This policy be accessed via the policy page on this website (link below). The school is also a member of the Global Equality Collective, an organisation on a mission to make ordinary classrooms extraordinarily inclusive.