School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference.
If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please contact the school office on admin@pda.lancs.sch.uk.
If you are searching for admissions information, please visit our admissions page.
- Accessibility Policy and Plan [Jan 2021]
- Anti-Bullying Policy [Sept 2022]
- Assessment Policy [Nov 2021]
- Attendance and Children Missing from Education Policy [Sept 2022]
- Behaviour Policy [Nov 2023]
- Charging and Remissions Policy [Nov 2023]
- Child Induction Policy [July 2022]
- Collective Worship Policy [March 2023]
- Complaints Procedures Policy [July 2023]
- Curriculum Policy [Nov 2022]
- Data Protection Policy [Dec 2022]
- ECT Induction Policy [March 2022]
- Equality Statement and Objectives [Sept 2023]
- Exclusion Policy [July 2022]
- EYFS Policy [March 2022]
- Feedback Policy [March 2022]
- First Aid Policy [Jan 2023]
- Freedom of Information Policy [July 2022]
- Gifts, Hospitality and Anti-bribery Policy [Dec 2021]
- Health and Safety Policy [Jan 2024]
- Homework Policy [Nov 2021]
- Intimate Care Policy [March 2023]
- Lettings Policy [Sept 2022]
- Lockdown Policy and Procedures [Dec 2022]
- Looked After Children Policy [July 2022]
- Low-level Concerns Policy [Sept 2023]
- Pupil Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy [Sept 2023]
- Mobile Communication Devices Policy [Sept 2021]
- Online Safety Policy [Sept 2023]
- Photography Policy [March 2023]
- Pupils with Additional Health Needs Attendance Policy [Oct 2022]
- Prevent Risk Assessment [Sept 2023]
- Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy [Mar 2023]
- Records Management Policy [March 2023]
- Recruitment Policy [March 2022]
- Religious Eduction Policy [Nov 2021]
- Remote Learning Policy [Sept 2021]
- Risk Management Policy [March 2022]
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023-24 [Sept 2023]
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy 2023-24 [Sept 2023]
- Staff Code of Conduct [Sept 2023]
- Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy [Nov 2021]
- Staff Supervision Policy [June 2023]
- Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy [Dec 2022]
- Surveillance and CCTV Policy [Oct 2022]
- Teaching Assistant Policy [Apr 2022]
- Walking To and From School Policy [Sept 2021]
- Whistleblowing Policy [July 2023]