Remote Learning
As we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, our priority is to keep every member of our community safe whilst maintaining face-to-face provision on the school site for all pupils. Should a situation arise that presents this from being possible (e.g. a child tests positive and is instructed to isolate by NHS Test and Trace), pupils will be able to access our remote learning offer. As far as practicable, this provides children with full access to our broad, challenging curriculum from home.
The senior leader with overarching responsibility for the quality and delivery of remote education is the headteacher, Mr Coxhead.
For further information on the school's response to COVID-19 (and to view current copies of risk assessments, etc.), please visit our COVID-19 page.
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Our offer
All pupils unable to attend school on site will have access to our comprehensive remote learning provision.
Whilst this is broadly the same in all scenarios, the exact shape and nature of this provision will depend on the situation. Please follow the links below for more information:
Our curriculum [Adjustments for remote learning]
We have developed a strong, broad, coherent curriculum in school and our aim is to deliver the same curriculum remotely as we would do in school.
There may, however, be instances where the curriculum and lessons which would be delivered in school are not able to be delivered remotely. This may be because these lessons require specialist equipment or resources e.g. clay, maps or atlases etc. In these instances, we will adapt and adjust our curriculum and teaching so that it broadly covers the knowledge or skills required by our curriculum but takes into consideration the potential barriers or challenges of remote education. Class teachers will adapt and adjust this learning in consultation with curriculum and subject leaders.
Our platform: Showbie
Our school uses an excellent online platform called Showbie to ensure all children access remote learning. This platform can be accessed across a range of devices and allows easy access to a wide-range of learning content. The platform also allows pupils to easily share completed work with their teachers in school so that teachers can respond and provide feedback.
Showbie has been used to support learning in school for a number of years and is therefore familiar to all children and families.
For Showbie guidance and support, please follow the link below to access a collection of videos we have created. This includes 'walk-through' videos, demonstrating how to use Showbie on a range of different devices.
Mr Lawson (our Technology and Innovation Lead) is one of the UK’s Learning Specialists for Showbie and has several years’ experience working for Showbie to develop their products and to support schools around the UK in maximising its potential.
Reflecting our ethos and strong belief that relationships are the foundations for all learning, we see remote learning as a partnership with parents. We ask parents to support remote learning by helping children develop routines for remote learning and by supporting the high expectations we have of all of our pupils. We encourage parents to talk to us if they are experiencing challenges and share successes and celebrations with us.
We expect our pupils to engage with all remote learning, unless they are physically unwell. Where children are finding this difficult, we ask that parents and children communicate with class teachers in the first instance so that we can offer support.
Where multiple pupils are isolating and receiving remote education, we have carefully-planned live opportunities and use the many features of our platform, Showbie, to ensure children feel engaged in their class community. We strongly encourage children to attend and enjoy daily live check-ins, live celebration assemblies and any live lessons or story sessions.
Assessment and feedback
Wherever possible, teachers will apply our marking and feedback policy to remote learning. They will provide a balance of individual and whole-class feedback. This may be provided as: individual voice notes; comments on individual work; whole-class comments or voice notes; review videos of challenging concepts/areas; feedback in live sessions or check-ins; and feedback at the beginning of future lessons.
Teachers will use their observations and marking to inform assessment of learning, as they would do in classroom learning.
All children's work will be acknowledged and pupils should receive feedback daily.
When unable to attend school for face-to-face provision, accessing our remote learning provision is essential to ensuring that all pupils continue to make progress and achieve. As such, we are active in providing support to ensure that our provision is accessible to all and meets individual needs.
We recognise that all pupils need some level of support. For this reason, we are active in encouraging high levels of remote learning engagement amongst all pupils - see the section 'engagement' above.
We provide further targeted support to the following groups:
- Vulnerable pupils: We are proactive in contacting the families of our most vulnerable pupils, discussing how we may best support them so that these children can thrive and continue to make progress. Wherever possible, we encourage vulnerable pupils to access our on-site provision at school.
- Pupils with SEND: We support pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, ensuring lesson content is accessible and appropriate to their current level of attainment. In some circumstances, these pupils may be classified as vulnerable and are invited to access on-site provision at school so that they can be support in-person by teachers and teaching assistants.
- Pupils with limited access to technology: We support families who do not own suitable devices or who do not have access to the internet. Where needed, we are able to loan devices to families and can provide access to 'data' to ensure pupils can access the internet. Where families need support with any aspect of technology, we ask them to get in touch with school to discuss their individual circumstances.
If you require further support from us, please do not hesitate to get in touch in the usual way.
Remote Learning Policy
To view our Remote Learning Policy, please follow the link below.