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Parbold Douglas Church of England Academy

Picture News: Big questions

Our Church school vision states that we are committed to delivering exciting and engaging learning opportunities to enable our children to develop a love of learning and achieve their best.


As part of this, we want to provide our children with the opportunity to consider, discuss and reflect upon 'big questions'.


Big questions are questions that challenge our assumptions about the world we live in. They require us to consider difficult topics in the context of our school's Christian values: love, friendship, forgiveness, thankfulness, compassion, community and hope. By engaging in thoughtful discussion and by learning to listen to others, our children develop the humility to change their mind on topics. They experience considering topics in the context of our Christian faith and are often surprised by the insight this offer. They also learn to articulate their views in a grounded and balanced way. 


The resource we use to support our exploration of big questions is Picture News. A new question is discussed in class every two weeks. Classes often record their discussions and debates in their class 'Big questions' books or share these via the Twitter pages.  


Examples of some of the 'big questions' we have discussed are provided below.
