School Uniform

Purchasing and Ordering Uniform
We have two suppliers of uniform for parents to choose from:
Badgers of Heskin
The Badgers Den
Swift House Farm
Bentley Lane
Online orders:
Impressions of Standish
31-33 High Street
01257 400010
Online orders:
School Uniform
- Plain white polo T-shirt
- V-neck jumper or cardigan with logo
- Grey trousers/shorts OR grey skirt/pinafore
- Grey socks/tights or burgundy tights
- Black school shoes (not black trainers)
- [Summer only] Red and white gingham dresses with white socks
Years 1 to 6:
- Plain white shirt
- V-neck jumper or cardigan with logo
- School tie
- Grey trousers/shorts OR grey skirt/pinafore
- Grey socks/tights or burgundy tights
- Black school shoes (not black trainers)
- [Summer only] Red and white gingham dresses with white socks
PE Kit
Children come into school in their PE kit on their two PE days (and on days where they are scheduled to attend a sports club after school).
The school PE kit has been carefully designed to be suitable for all-year-round use. This is part of our school uniform for all pupils from Reception to Year 6.
As always, there are alternatives to buying the school branded items (see items in brackets below).
The new PE uniform requirements are:
- Parbold Douglas CE Logo Full Zip Top (or plain Burgundy Zip Top / sweatshirt, without hood)
- Parbold Douglas CE Logo PE T-shirt, available in 'plain burgundy' or 'white and burgundy' (or plain white T-shirt*)
- Plain Black Shorts**
- Plain Black Joggers**
- Trainers
- Black plimsols***
*Pupils may also continue to wear the Parbold Douglas Logo Plain White T-shirt (part of our previous PE uniform). The remaining stocks of these are now on sale at our uniform supplier.
**Any plain black shorts / tracksuit bottoms / joggers will be acceptable. However, these must not feature any branding (e.g. logos or stripes) and must be black.
***These are required for indoor PE and may be kept at school for use when needed. As an alternative, pupils may participate in indoor PE sessions barefoot.
Additional Items
Our uniform suppliers also supply school-branded book bags, coats, hats and gloves. These items are all optional.
Jewellery / Watches
We only allow stud earrings and watches to be worn in school. No jewellery is allowed during any kind of physical activity. Earrings should not be worn on days when there is swimming, games or PE, unless the child can remove and replace their own. Before having your child’s ears pierced, please consider the problems this may cause in school. Watches may be worn but each child must remember that he/she is responsible for their own belongings.
Make-up / Nail varnish
These should not be worn to school.