The aim of geography at Parbold Douglas is to inspire in pupils a fascination about our diverse world and a passion for understanding its people and their communities. By equipping pupils with knowledge about places, people, resources, processes and environments, our geography curriculum seeks to provide pupils with a deep interest in God’s worldwide family and a commitment to global justice that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.
Our school values in Geography
Through our Geography curriculum, children are encouraged to recognise and be thankful for the beauty and diversity of God’s world and its inhabitants. Pupils are provided with opportunities to explore the geographical and human challenges faced by people and communities in different parts of the world, enabling the growth of compassion and love for those in need. Pupils develop an understanding of the importance of community at a local, national and global level – they appreciate how sudden and gradual changes can alter communities and livelihoods. Pupils deepen their understanding of the world’s climate and its importance in sustaining life; they explore climate change and its impact on communities across the globe. Children learn about opportunities to respond to the climate emergency, developing hope for the future of our global home.
Meeting the needs of our pupils in Geography
Geography is taught across school and learning needs are carefully catered for so that it is accessible to all. By exploring different cultures and communities, children develop a greater appreciation for human diversity and the ways in which this enriches society. Through structured geographical enquiry and fieldwork, pupils learn the value of resilience and perseverance as they seek answers to complex questions. Children are encouraged to work practically, articulating their understanding through a range of platforms – this develops their ability to speak with confidence in front of others.
Our geography curriculum covers all aspects of the National Curriculum. Areas of focus include:
- The UK and our local area
- The world and continents
- Physical themes
- Human themes
- Understanding places and connections
- Map and atlas work
- Fieldwork and investigation
We use Rising Stars Geography as the basis for our curriculum. This award-winning scheme is comprehensive and ensures that knowledge and understanding is built cumulatively throughout the primary phase. Our teachers are provided with access to high-quality resources and materials that support their teaching.
We have adapted the Rising Stars scheme specifically for our context at Parbold Douglas - each unit is strengthened by an 'appendix' document that supports teachers to deliver lessons that builds on and extend prior learning whilst making purposeful cross-curricular links .
We also use Digimap for Schools, alongside paper atlases and globes, to ensure pupils have access to aerial photography and high-quality mapping from Ordnance Survey to support their learning.
How are units of work strucutred?
Each unit begins with an enquiry question and ends with a 'Big Finish' where children look back to the original question and, considering everything they have learnt, seek to answer it. They also complete a 'Big Finish' task to demonstrate their learning, such as the creation of a report, a piece of artwork or a campaign video. The 'Big Finish' gives a real sense of purpose to the learning throughout the unit - the children are excited by the fact they are working towards something tangible and become skilled in geographical enquiry.
To find out more about Geography, please contact the Curriculum Lead (Miss Bixter) or our Geography Lead (Mrs Wainwright).
Our Curriculum Policy can be found on the Policies page (link below).